Outdoor photo by Shiyam Galyon (2019) of a RAWI member with long black hair and light brown skin wearing a black top with a small floral pattern reads from a computer with one hand on their chin. In the background, a light brown skinned person in a gray hijab and pink and white striped top and black pants looks on with a computer on their lap.

Mini Grants & Submission Fee Bank

RAWI Mini Grants

RAWI members can request mini grants of up to $500 for regional events such as reading series, panels, and local gatherings. In order to apply for a mini grant, at least one organizer must be a RAWI member in good standing (have paid membership dues of at least $1 for the current calendar year and are signed up on the members area of the RAWI website) and submit a copy of the Mini Grant Application Form prior to the event.

Submission Fee Bank

The RAWI submission fee bank serves to support RAWI members in submitting their work to journals, magazines, and presses, as well as to apply for prizes, residencies, fellowships, awards, and other opportunities. The fee bank operates as an honor system, and each member is allotted a maximum of $50/year to ensure wide access to the bank. For more details and instructions, please see the submission fee bank google form.

(Photo credit: Shiyam Galyon, 2019.)