Radius of Arab American Writers logo. Two concentric black semicircles, the outer one interrupted by a turquoise dot and the inner one by a turquoise moon, sit above the words Radius of Arab American Writers in all capital letters, the letters R-A-W-I in turquoise and the rest of the letters in black.

Statement of Solidarity for Palestine

RAWI Board, 2024-01-15

We, at the Radius of Arab American Writers (RAWI), want to express our support for Palestinian liberation, today and always.

We unequivocally condemn the Zionist state for its ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinian lands, its brutal military occupation that has affected the daily lives of Palestinians for decades, and for its ongoing military blockade on Gaza that, for over 15 years, has upheld inhumane conditions akin to an “open-air prison” according to Human Rights Watch.

We understand that the current situation in Palestine is the continuation of decades of colonial violence, at the hands of the racist necropower and apartheid state that is Israeli.

We, further, condemn the mainstream US literary establishment’s cowardice in remaining silent about the ongoing occupation with which all US citizens are complicit. In a time when US and Israeli politicians are deploying genocidal rhetoric against Palestinians, it is our duty as a literary organization to fight for the dignity and justice of Palestinians, in both our actions and words.

We call on our allies to join us in affirming their commitments to Palestinian liberation, even and especially in difficult times like these. Our struggles are one and intertwined.

We are seeing the political repression that Palestinians and allies in the imperial core are enduring as they speak up and move for collective liberation. Speaking truth to power comes at a price and Palestine is no exception. Palestine Legal offers free advice on your constitutional rights, here: https://palestinelegal.org/intake

We would like to offer the following further resources for education and awareness on Palestine:

We also encourage donations and support to the following organizations:

– The RAWI Board, October 9, 2023